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  • Collection: Hawaiian Mission Children's Society Library - Film Negatives Photograph Collection

Negative: nitrate negative replaced by copy negative 1977 of Frame House (a) and 1957 contact print (b).

Catalog card description: "As occupied by Cooke Family. A.F. Cooke and two daughters on steps. About 1895."

This negative was digitized as…

Negatives: nitrate negative replaced by copy negative 1977 of Frame House (a) and 1957 contact print (b).

Catalog card description: "Frame House, 1920s. Before 1935 restoration. Kitchen, exterior view."

This negative was digitized as part of a…

Negative: nitrate negative replaced by copy negative 1977 of Frame House -- Cellar Steps (a) and 1957 contact prints (b) and (c).

Catalog card description: "Frame House, 1920s. Before 1935 restoration. Cellar steps."

This negative was…

Negative: nitrate negative replaced by copy negative 1977 of Frame House -- Drip Stones (a) and contact print (b).

Catalog card description: "Frame House, 1920s. Before 1935 restoration. Drip stones."

This negative was digitized as part of a…

Negative: nitrate negative replaced by copy negative 1977 of Frame House -- Well (a) and 1957 contact print (b).

Catalog card description: "Frame House, 1920s. Before 1935 restoration. Well."

This negative was digitized as part of a 2009 IMLS…

Negative: nitrate negative replaced by copy negative 1977 of Frame House with Kitchen (a) and 1957 contact print (b).

Catalog card description: "Frame House, 1920s. Before 1935 restoration. Kitchen, exterior view."

This negative was digitized…

Negative: nitrate negative replaced by copy negative 1977 of Frame House -- Kitchen (a) and 1957 contact print (b).

Catalog card description: "Frame House, 1920s. Before 1935 restoration. Kitchen, exterior view."

This negative was digitized as…

Negative: nitrate negative replaced by copy negative 1977 of Frame House -- Kitchen (a) and 1957 contact print (b).

Catalog card description: "Frame House, 1920s. Before 1935 restoration. Kitchen, exterior view."

This negative was digitized as…

Negative: safety negative of Fort Street Church (a) and contact print (b).

Catalog card description: "Fort Street Church."

This negative was digitized as part of a 2009 IMLS grant. Because transfer between permanent material culture collection…

Negative: nitrate negative replaced by copy negative 1977 of Frame and Printing Houses (a) and 1957 contact print (b).

This negative was digitized as part of a 2009 IMLS grant. Because transfer between permanent material culture collection and…
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