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  • Collection: Hawaiian Mission Children's Society Library - Film Negatives Photograph Collection

Negative: 1966 negative of Three Mission Houses (a) and contact print (b).

Catalog card description: "Three Mission Houses (1880-1886?)."

Caption: "Old Mission Houses. Left to Right -- Old Frame House, First Printing House, Chamberlain House.…

Negative: 1966 negative of Frame House (a) and contact print (b).

Catalog card description: "Frame House (after 1890's)."

Back of print: "A. F. Cooke looking out of window."

This negative was digitized as part of a 2009 IMLS grant. Because…

Negative: 1966 negative of Frame House (a), contact print (b), and second contact print.

Catalog card description: "Frame House (1890 - 1907?). Before restoration in 1907."

This negative was digitized as part of a 2009 IMLS grant. Because…

Negative: 1966 negative of Frame House (a) and contact print (b).

Catalog card description: "Frame House (Before 1907 restoration). Rear view, showing old sheds, etc."

This negative was digitized as part of a 2009 IMLS grant. Because transfer…

Negative: 1966 negative of Frame House (a) and contact print (b).

Catalog card description: "Frame House (Before 1907 restoration). View from King Street, showing other buildings later removed."

This negative was digitized as part of a 2009…

Negative: 1966 negative of Frame House (a) and contact print (b).

Catalog card description: "Frame House (Before 1907 restoration). View from King Street, showing stores later removed. Sun Lee, Chinese laundry, on left of Frame House (See…

Negative: 1966 safety negative of Frame and Printing Houses (a) and contact print (b).

Catalog card description: "Frame & Printing Houses, 1906."

This negative was digitized as part of a 2009 IMLS grant. Because transfer between permanent…

Negative: 1966 negative of Frame House (a) and contact print (b).

Catalog card description: "Frame House (Before 1907 restoration). View from rear, showing kitchen."

This negative was digitized as part of a 2009 IMLS grant. Because transfer…

Negative: 1966 negative of Frame House (a) and contact print (b).

Catalog card description: "Frame House (Before 1907 restoration). Rear view, ewa side, showing kitchen with vines."

This negative was digitized as part of a 2009 IMLS grant.…

Negative: 1966 negative of Frame House Kitchen (a) and contact print (b).

Catalog card description: "Frame House -- Kitchen (Before 1935). View of kitchen before 1935 restoration, showing coral blocks unplastered."

This negative was digitized…
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