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  • Collection: Hawaiian Mission Children's Society Library - Film Negatives Photograph Collection

Negative: safety negative of Hawaiian Spelling Book (a) and contact print (b).

Catalog card description: "Spelling book. Language, Hawaiian. Ka Be-A-Ba. First edition, 1824. One printed page is photographed from a leaflet in the HMCS, Hawaiian…

Negative: safety negative of Select Scriptures and Materials for Spelling Book (a) and 1975 contact print (b).

Catalog card description: "Bingham, Hiram. 'Select scriptures and materials for spelling book.' From a manuscript booklet of 60 pages in…

Negative: safety negative of Select Scriptures and Materials for Spelling Book (a) and 1975 contact print (b).

Catalog card description: "Bingham, Hiram. 'Select scriptures and materials for spelling book.' From a manuscript booklet of 60 p. in…

Negative: 1967 safety negative of Report of Committee of Health on the State of the Hawaiian Alphabet. No contact print.

Catalog card description: "Alphabet, Hawaiian. Manuscript. 'Report of Committee of Health on the state of the Hawaiian…

Negative: 1967 safety negative of Report of Committee of Health on the State of the Hawaiian Alphabet. No contact print.

Catalog card description: "Alphabet, Hawaiian. Manuscript. 'Report of Committee of Health on the state of the Hawaiian…

Negative: 1967 safety negative of Letter to Hiram Bingham. No contact print.

Catalog card description: "Ellis, William. Ms. letter to H. Bingham, July 18, 1828."

This negative was digitized as part of a 2009 IMLS grant. Because transfer between…

Negative: 1967 safety negative of Henry Obookiah Memoirs (a) and contact prints (b), (c), and (d).

Catalog card description: "Obookiah, Henry. Memoirs -- Frontispiece and title page, from HHS copy, New Haven, 1818."

Text: "Memoirs of Henry…

Negative: safety negative of Henry Obookiah Memoirs (a), contact print (b), second contact print (c), and third contact print (d).

Catalog card description: "Obookiah, Henry. Memoirs -- Revised edition [1830]. Amer. Tract Soc. Frontispiece and…

Negative: 1967 safety negative of Map of Hawaii Island (a) and contact print (b).

Catalog card description: "Map --Hawaii Island."

Caption: "Hawaii. The outline from Vancouver; Improved by Deputation."

This negative was digitized as part of…

Negative: 1967 safety negative of Henry Obookiah Letter (a) and contact print (b).

Catalog card description: "Obookiah, Henry. Manuscript letter, one page, with signature."

This negative was digitized as part of a 2009 IMLS grant. Because…
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