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  • Collection: Hawaiian Mission Children's Society Library - Film Negatives Photograph Collection

Negative: four safety negatives of Ship Model (a), (b), (c), and (d) and contact prints (e), (f), (g), and (h).

Catalog card description: "Vessels -- Model. Ship model, similar to the Brig 'Thaddeus,' but not a replica."

This negative was…

Negative: safety negative of Map of South America. No contact print.

Catalog card description: "Copperplate for engraving. Lahainaluna copperplate with maps of South America."

This negative was digitized as part of a 2009 IMLS grant. Because…

Negative: safety negative of East Maui Female Seminary (a) and contact prints (b) and (c).

Catalog card description: "Schools -- Maui. East Maui Female Seminary."

This negative was digitized as part of a 2009 IMLS grant. Because transfer…

Negative: safety negative of Kaluaaha Church (a) and contact prints (b) and (c).

Catalog card description: "Churches -- Molokai. Kaluaaha Church."

This negative was digitized as part of a 2009 IMLS grant. Because transfer between permanent…

Negative: safety negative of Hawaiian Hymns (a) and contact print (b).

Catalog card description: "Hymns, Hawaiian. Ha Akua Hemolele. Na Himeni Hawaii 1834."

This negative was digitized as part of a 2009 IMLS grant. Because transfer between…

Negative: safety negative of Fowle's Child's Arithmetic (a) and contact print (b).

Catalog card description: "Arithmetic. Fowle's Child's Arithmetic, tr. by Artemas Bishop, 1832."

This negative was digitized as part of a 2009 IMLS grant.…

Negative: safety negative of the title page to W.C. Woodbridge's "Geography" (a) and contact print (b).

Catalog card description: "Woodbridge, W.C.: Geography. 1836. Translated by Samuel Whitney. Title page."

This negative was digitized as…

Negative: safety negative of "My First Book of Reading and Spelling" (a) and contact print (b).

Catalog card description: "My first book. A reader, printed especially for use at Punahou School, 1845."

Title page: "My First Book of Reading and…

Negative: safety negative of Palapala Hemolele (a) and contact print (b).

Catalog card description: "Bible, Hawaiian. Palapala Hemolele. Title page of first complete Bible printed in Hawaiian. Old Testament in 2 parts, and New Testament.…

Negative: safety negative of Rebecca Duncan Smith Forbes (a) and contact prints (b) and (c).

Catalog card description: "Forbes, Rebecca Duncan Smith (Mrs. Cochran). From daguerreotype, about 1845."

This negative was digitized as part of a 2009…
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