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  • Collection: Hawaiian Mission Children's Society Library - Film Negatives Photograph Collection

Negative: nitrate negative replaced by copy negative 1977 of Lizzie Bingham and Lillian Crocker (a) and contact print (b).

Catalog card description: "Bingham Family at Gilbertinia, 1898. Lizzie Bingham and Lillian Crocker."

This negative was…

Negative: nitrate negative replaced by copy negative 1977 of Clarissa Brewster Bingham (a) and contact print (b).

Catalog card description: "Bingham Family at Gilbertinia, 1898. Clarissa Brewster Bingham (Mrs. Hiram Bingham II).

This negative…

Negative: safety negative of Manoa Valley Church Constrcution (a) and contact print (b).

Catalog card description: "Churches -- Oahu -- Honolulu. Manoa Valley Church construction, 1966. Reverend Hiro Higuchi in foreground."

This negative was…

Negative: two negatives of Mission Memorial Building (a) and (b) and contact print (c).

Catalog card description: "Buildings -- Oahu -- Honolulu. Mission Memorial Building. Laying of cornerstone, 1915."

This negative was digitized as part of a…

Negative: two negatives of Mission Memorial Building (a) and (b) and contact print (c).

Catalog card description: "Buildings -- Oahu -- Honolulu. Mission Memorial Building. Laying of cornerstone, 1915."

This negative was digitized as part of a…

Negative: safety negative of Maria Ogden (a) and 1965 contact prints (b) and (c).

Catalog card description: "Ogden, Maria."

This negative was digitized as part of a 2009 IMLS grant. Because transfer between permanent material culture collection…

Negative: safety negative of Royal School (a) and contact print (b).

Catalog card description: "Schools -- Oahu -- Honolulu. Royal School. From an original sketch in HMCS, made by E. G. Beckwith, while a principal of the school, about…

Negative: 1969 safety negative of View of the Island of Woahoo (a) and contact print (b).

Catalog card description: "Honolulu -- Waterfront Views. From a water color painting at Peabody Museum."

Caption: "View of the Island of Woahoo in the…

Negative: safety negative of View of the Island of Woahoo (a) and contact print (b).

Catalog card description: "Honolulu -- Waterfront Views. From a water color painting at Peabody Museum."

Caption: "View of the Island of Woahoo in the Pacific…

Negative: 1969 safety negative of Gerrit P. Judd, Prince Alexander Liholiho, and Prince Lot Kamehameha (a) and contact print (b).

Catalog card description: "Judd, Gerrit P. With two princes, Alexander and Lot. Judd standing, princes…
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