Hiram Bingham writing to Jeremiah Evarts, Esq. discussing the translation of some letters from Kaahumanu to him, commenting on her burdens as a ruler bearing the yoke of Christ.
A note containing a letter published in the Quarterly Review and supposedly written by Boki to friends in England describing the conduct of American Missionaries in Hawai‘i.
A letter from Hoapilikane to Kaahumanu reporting about an incident in Maui regarding Capt. Clark taking women on board his ship for the purpose of prostitution.
Statements of Hoapili Wahine, Hoapilikāne, Harriet Nahiʻenaʻena and Michael Kekauonohi regarding the sale of Leoiki, a Hawaiian woman, to Captain Buckle.
A letter from United States consul John Jones to Kauikeaouli concerning the complaint of an American citizen (Mr. William French) with regards to the seizure of the Brig Clementine. This file includes responses from Kauikeaouli, and letters between…
Kauikeaouli's response to John Jones with regards to the Roman Catholic priests being forced upon the Clementine. Kauikeaouli explains events that led up to the present issue, and expresses his disapproval of the Roman Catholic religion in the…