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Vessels: “Kaluna” Schooner, Butaritari, Gilbert Islands. Shipping lists; also letter of Alfred Lovell, Master of schooner Kaluna, to A.O. Forbes, Secretary, Hawaiian Board of Missions.

Vessels: “Julia” Schooner. Letters and official documents. English language.

Vessels: “Jennie Walker” (ship). Letter of notice that the Jennie Walker has arrived at Jaluit, Marshall Islands. English language.

HMCSL_Micronesia_Vessels Morning Star V_153.pdf
Vessels: “Morning Star” V. Correspondence; also printed material concerning the dedication of the Morning Star V. English language.

HMCSL_Micronesia_Vessels_Morning Star_No. 1_133.pdf
Vessels: “Morning Star” No. 1. Common Place Book, Morning Star, 3 Sep 1857. Book kept by O.H. Gulick, 2nd mate of Morning Star, 1857; 1st mate, 1859. Calculations of longitude, maps, sketches of topography and human figures. English Language.

HMCSL_Micronesia_VesselsMorning Star IV_152.pdf
Vessels: “Morning Star” IV. Capt. George F. Garland. Reports and Correspondence. Reports of the 10th, 12th, 13th and 14th voyages of the Morning Star; other letters and correspondence. English language.

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Vessels: “Morning Star” IV. Miscellaneous correspondence. English language.

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Vessels: “Morning Star” IV. Capt. George F. Garland. Reports of the 7th, 8th and 9th voyages of the Morning Star IV to Micronesia, abstract logs; correspondence. English language.

HMCSL_Micronesia_Vessels Morning Star IV_149.pdf
Vessels: “Morning Star” IV. Captain Geo. F. Garland. Letters, reports and instructions. English language.

HMCSL_Micronesia_Vessels Morning Star IV_148.pdf
Vessels: “Morning Star” IV. Capt. George Garland. Reports and abstract logs. English language.
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