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HMCSL Church Records - Box 22 - Fort Street Chinese Christian Church Record Book, 1888-1936.pdf
Churches By Island,
Oahu, Fort Street Chinese Christian Church

Record Book, 1879 - 1936
Contains the charter and by-laws of the Chinese Christian Church of Honolulu. The records are minutes of trustees' meetings which mostly concern the…

HMCSL Church Records - Box 21b - Item 1 - Fort Street Church Records 1880.pdf
Churches By Island
Oahu, Fort Street Church Records

Financial records, insurance policies, and the Sabbath School Association archives of the Fort Street Church, which was formed in 1852 to minister to "foreign" or English-speaking…

HMCSL Church Records - Box 21a - Item 1 - Fort Street Church Records 1852-54.pdf
Churches By Island
Oahu, Fort Street Church Records

Financial records, insurance policies, and the Sabbath School Association archives of the Fort Street Church, which was formed in 1852 to minister to "foreign" or English-speaking members.…

HMCSL_HEA Archive_Kapahee, D.K.pdf
This folder contains a letter from Kapahee, D.K. to Richards, Theodore.

1 letter, 1 page,

HMCSL Church Records - Box 20 - Oahu Apana Churches, Sunday School Records, 1843.pdf
Churches By Island
Oahu, Apana Churches

Sunday School Records, and Statistics, 1843
Sunday School record books of the native churches with the names of teachers.
13 paper bound pamphlets.
Hawaiian language.

HMCSL Church Records - Box 19 - Item 1 - Siloama & Kahaaha Hou Churches, Molokai, Record book, 1866-1894.pdf
Churches By Island
Molokai, Siloama & Kahaana Hou Churches

Record book, 1866-1894. 1927-1928; 1945.
Contains minutes of the meetings of the deacons of the Protestant churches of the Kalaupapa Leper Settlement frm the year the patients arrived…

HMCSL Church Records - Box 18b - Kaluaaha Church, Molokai Records, 1911-1949.pdf
Churches By Island
Molokai, Kaluaaha Church, and Apana Churches
Kamalo Church, and Kalaiakamanu Church

Records, 1911-1949
Primarily minutes of meetings of deacons' committees and financial records. Baptismal and church membership records,…

HMCSL Church Records - Box 18a - Kaluaaha Church, Molokai Records, 1833-1932.pdf
Churches By Island
Molokai, Kalua'aha Church
Records, 1833-1932

Records of church members, baptisms, marriages, and deaths. Includes minutes of meetings. Early records of Anderson Forbes, Harvey Rexford Hitchcock, and others.
One bound…

HMCSL Church Records - Box 17 - Molokai Hawaii Church, 1915-1918, 1920, 1927, 1930, 1950.pdf
Churches By Island -
Molokai Halawa, Molokai Hawaii Church
Records 1915-1918; 1920; 1927; 1930; 1955

Mostly Sunday School records with names of teachers. A few deaths, 1915-1918, recorded on page 51.
One ruled copy book.
Hawaiian language.…

HMCSL Church Records - Box 16 - Item 1 - Lahaina Church, Maui,  Record Book, 1823-1872.pdf
Churches By Island
Maui, Lahaina Church
Record Book, 1823-1872

Item 1:
Lahaina Church, Maui
Record Book, 1823-1872
A chronological record of church events, largely concerned with suspensions, reinstatement, and ex-communications. The…
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