Browse Items (11619 total)

Negative: safety negative of Levi Chamberlain (a) and contact prints (b) and (c).

Catalog card description: "Chamberlain, Levi. Watercolor sketch, probably by A.T. Agate, of the Wilkes Expedition, 1840."

HMCSL_HEA Archive_Kekahuna, M. (Mrs. Joseph); Kekahuna, Joseph.pdf
This folder contains 1 letter. 1 page

Author locations indicated:

HMCSL_HEA Archive_Kekuewa, Samuel W_1_n.d; 1872 to 1893.pdf
This folder contains 56 letters. 101 pages within 2 folders:
Folder #1: n.d.; 1872 to 1891 /
Folder #2: 1893 to 1912

Author locations indicated:
Makawao / Kula / Waiohinu Kau / Halawa / Kohala Akau / Kohala / Kohala, Hawaiian Isl. /…

This folder contains 1 letter. 2 pages
To view this folder, contact [email protected]

Author locations indicated:
Kawaihae Hawaii

HMCSL_HEA Archive_Nuikino, J.P.pdf
This folder contains 5 letters. 5 pages

Author locations indicated:
Mana, Kauai / Waimea, Kauai

Negative: nitrate negative replaced by copy negative 1977 of Four Hawaiian Youths (a) and contact print (b).

Catalog card description: "Hawaiians. Four Hawaiian Youths, 1819. 'Engraved by N. and S.S. Jocelyn, New Haven, from a painting by S.F.B.…

On Saturday, May 9, 2015, Hawaiian Mission Houses featured the district of Wai‘anae and presented Moon Kauakahi, Mel Amina, and Ken Makuakane along with Aunty Alice Greenwood, Aunty Alice Maku‘e, Aunty Lucy Gay and the kupuna of Wai‘anae. Kumu Hula…

On July 11, 2015, the Hawaiian Mission Houses Mele Wahi Pana featured the district of Honolulu and presented artists Manu Boyd, Kaipo Hale, and Ken Makuakane. Boyd’s Ha-lau O Ke ‘A‘ali‘i Ku- Makani and Kumu ‘Ohu Gon and his ha-lau oli Na- Wa‘a…

On Saturday, October 17, 2015, Hawaiian Mission Houses' Mele Wahi Pana 2015 featured the district of Waialua and musicians Ken Makuakane, Aaron Mahi, and George Kuo. They shared the stage with commentators Thomas Shirai, Kanani Awai, and Keith Awai…

This Mele Wahi Pana concert performance will send you on a journey to the legendary Waikiki beach on the south shore, retreat of royalty and tourist playground. Waikiki brings to mind the surf, with the famous breaks, the seat of governance for…
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